Home  Agility


"Crash and Burn

By Cindy Brick


Misha was the inspiration for this particular seminar.  Her motto was:  Why go slow.  Just
 Fly Low!!!  A ballistic Border Collie with the Need For Speed.  Why go over when through is faster?

This seminar is for fast and speedy dogs that are into "Crash Courses".  Learn how to harness the speed and maintain the correct
course path.  Learn how to manage "Driving at High Speeds".  Course handling strategies to improve your team success.

 Special Features: This seminar is limited to 12 participants.  A pre-seminar survey is sent out to help determine exactly what needs are the most prevalent for these 12 individuals.  The seminar exercises are based on those specific needs.  The seminar also includes a video analysis.  The videos are sent in ahead of time and evaluated by myself to help determine what the actual problems are in how the dog and handler are working together.  Each participant is given a written analysis of their runs with suggestions for areas of improvements.  The video analysis is limited to 2 runs.  With having a chance to review the handler and the dog  it gives myself the opportunity to evaluate the problems ahead of time, not trying to sift through the issues during the seminar which then lends itself to more working time.   In addition to the  usual training exercises we a do a segment on course analysis and what approaches are more likely to result in   a qualifying run. 


Video Analysis Samples

1. Instead of calling out over the bars start calling her name to alert her of an impending change coming in the course.  This will help her to focus in on you better and will be better prepared for what is to happen next. 

2.  Keep moving on your follow through in jumping.  Keep flowing to help shape your turns rather than coming to a complete stop.  The bars comes down as you stop as this decreases her momentum which then makes her drop the bar.

3.  First bar down on one run was probably her being too close to the jump.

4.  Hold your position when doing the serpentine. 

 What happened on this run was that you were moving laterally on the other side of the jump.   She looked at the jump and you did not slow down or change your body language enough to help her make that decision and she blasted past this jump.



  You can signal your turns earlier to help decrease the loops in the front
   crosses.  Most of your front crosses looked pretty good but even then
   you could signal a little earlier.  Your signal was given at "X"....you can
   start the signal much earlier at "A" and this will help decrease your
   yardage.  You can send her out to the jumps as your distance skills are
   good and this will let you get ahead of the game.





What happened with this part of the run is that you were on the inside line.  You gave him a left command
and he did turn left.  You then took a step forward and started driving to jump #3 but with his forward
 momentum and the extra step forward you pushed him right into the tunnel.  This was a hard trap
for many dog and handlers when I watched this course.  When faced with a trap you need to call
 out his name before jump #2 and get him to refocus in on you before you make your move.  Calling
out one or two “Here” is just not as effective as calling his name before jump #2 and multiple
 times if needed to have him reconnect with you. 


Post Seminar Survey Reports

I rank the Crash and Burn Seminar as outstanding, which is the highest level possible and above the level of excellent. The experience exceeded by far what I had anticipated. After I returned from the seminar and attended agility trials,  a number of handlers asked what I had done to achieve such a great change in handling contact obstacles. [Note: our two standard runs were scored as clean (Q) this past weekend at SPDTC.]  You certainly enhanced my training and provided valuable suggestions. The written training suggestions, which were based upon your video analysis of our tapes, helped set your seminar apart from other seminars. 
Will and Inari - Belgian Tervuren (Minnesota)


I would gladly attend another one of your workshops. Nothing during the day was a waste of time, including the full course. Your advice about expecting a stay out of Bleuzenn when I had given up for two years worked great.   Thank you again for all you help,
Ginny and Bleuzenn - Giant Schnauzer (Minnesota)


The contact training information will probably be the best thing I took home. Wylie was confused as I was in training him to get a consistent 2 on 2 off. I have renamed it and I can't believe how fast he is getting it in practice.
My favorite exercise was the jumpers course. Two things I will always remember from it-
1. I can keep my mouth shut and probably have a better run. I have been doing that at home and its amazing how little I have to speak out on the course.
2. I can do front crosses!  I am looking at walking courses differently now and will use the rear cross a lot more sparingly.
Linda and Wylie - Border Collie (Wisconsin)


The info I liked best was about timing and you showing exactly where to pull it off for best results.  I'd say that you were pretty much proactive as I believe one has to be with fast dogs. They need info "way" ahead as we did with the course approach to the weaves, etc. Learning to "read" the course to best do those cues without outside help is the challenge.
Jackie and Ruff - Sheltie (Wisconsin)


An enormous amount of good information - for example, training in drive.  Sounds simple, but the fact of the matter is that most folks just don't do it nor advocate it.  BTW - Tom posted an unbelievable time in a jumpers course, beating a lot of very fast dogs.  Since the seminar, I've picked up 3 double Q's and a ton of points.
Susan and Tom - Border Collie  (Ohio)



TeamBrick Motto:  Be Determined in Achieving Your Goals.
